Optimus Prime, Leader of the Heroic Autobots, Reveals the 7 Truths of Transformation

From his introduction in Transformers: The Movie to the latest installment, Transformers: The Last Knight, Optimus Prime has been the lead Autobot. But as a leader, he’s also known for being a transformer of truths. Clearly, that requires some explanation. How does the lanky truck driver from the first movie become a noble and wise Autobot leader? What are those seven truths of transformation that he keeps referencing? And how does this impact our own lives? Let’s take a closer look at what makes up Optimus Prime as an individual character and within the context of his role with the Autobots. Read on to find out more about what it means to transform as both an Autobot and human being…

The 7 Truths of Transformation

First, we’ll take a closer look at the 7 truths of transformation that Optimus Prime often references.

  1. Knowledge – The process of learning, gaining insight, and comprehension. Remember that with knowledge comes power.
  2. Acceptance – This goes hand-in-hand with understanding what you’re dealing with. You must accept that something is happening so you can begin to find solutions for dealing with it.
  3. Courage – This is one of Optimus Prime’s strongest traits, and it’s a crucial part of transition. You must be willing to face your fears, accept what’s happening, and proceed with confidence.
  4. Community – You’re not in this alone. You have the support of your family, friends, and the Autobot crew. Rely on them when you need help.
  5. Trust – You must trust that your actions are the right ones. You must trust yourself and your abilities to get through transition and uncertainty.
  6. Humor – This is a tricky one. It’s not about telling dirty jokes or making light of situations. Instead, it’s about managing your stress and anxiety by finding ways to lighten the mood around you.

Change is Good

Change, as we have said, is the first truth of transformation. It can be scary. It can be challenging. It can be a whole host of other things. But the one thing it’s not, is a bad thing. It’s important to remember, especially when dealing with change, that the old doesn’t have to become obsolete. Instead, it can inform the new. Change is a chance to build new things on the foundation of your old self. It’s an opportunity to create something better. It’s also an opportunity to explore new aspects of yourself, your personality, and your interests. It’s a chance to learn new skills and discover new passions and hobbies. Change is a chance to evolve and become a better, more well-rounded person.

There are No Coincidences

This one is related to the third truth of transformation. The idea is that there are no coincidences in life. There is no random chance. All things are connected, and everything happens for a reason. It’s important to remember that you are not alone in this journey of life. You have friends, family, and loved ones who support and care for you. You also have a network of people that you may not know about yet but will inevitably cross paths with. Everything is connected. It’s important to remember this when you’re going through challenging times. Focus on the good things in life, and you’ll find that everything will work itself out in due time.

Voice Your Opinions

The seventh truth of transformation is to voice your opinions. This ties heavily into accepting what is happening. You must be willing to speak up and share your thoughts and feelings. Transformations are scary. They are uncharted waters. You don’t know what’s going to happen next. You don’t know if you’re going to be okay. That’s why you need to trust your instincts and emotions. You need to be honest with yourself. This is something that both Optimus and the humans on his crew have been struggling with throughout their latest adventure. As a society, we have become increasingly isolated and unwilling to engage one another in civil discourse. It’s important to remember that we are all individuals with our own perspectives and experiences. You don’t have to agree with someone to respect them as a person. You don’t have to like or support someone to acknowledge their right to exist.

You Have a Role to Play

The fifth truth of transformation is that you have a role to play. Sometimes, the role you’re given may not be one that you like. Sometimes, you may feel like you’ve been miscast. But regardless, there is a reason you were selected. This is something that Soundwave has been struggling with. He is one of the most loyal and devoted Autobots, but he was chosen as the spy. He was given the role of deceiver even though it wasn’t something he wanted. When times get tough, it’s important to remember that you have a role to play. You have a gift or talent that can contribute to the world and others around you. Even if that role isn’t one you would have chosen, remember that it’s important and meaningful.

Good Vibes Only

The fourth truth of transformation is to only share good vibes. Negativity breeds more negativity, but positivity can grow exponentially. That’s why it’s so important to surround yourself with people and experiences that make you happy. You have to be careful with this one. You can’t just surround yourself with people who agree with you and hold the same views as you. That’s not how it works. You have to be willing to engage different perspectives and beliefs. Negativity can creep up on you in the strangest of places. You have to be careful not to let it permeate your life. Be good to yourself, surround yourself with good people, and focus on the positive things in life.

Be the Best Version of Yourself

The third truth of transformation is to be the best version of yourself. It doesn’t matter how you got to where you are. What matters is that you are in a better place than you were before. You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to know everything or be the best at everything. You just have to be the best version of yourself. This ties into accepting what is happening. Sometimes, you have to do things you aren’t proud of. Sometimes, you have to make mistakes to learn and grow. Sometimes, you have to be the best version of yourself, even if it isn’t perfect. No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. It’s important to remember that you are human and that you are allowed to make mistakes. You can’t let mistakes stop you from growing and being the best version of yourself.


These seven truths of transformation go a long way in explaining who Optimus Prime is as a character and what he represents in the world of Transformers. They also speak to our own personal journeys and the challenges we face as both Autobots and humans. The best thing we can do is keep these truths in mind and remember that we are all transforming. There will be good days and bad days, but if we keep working toward a better version of ourselves, we will get there eventually.

Image from ChaosEmperor971